
I'm Mahdi.

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • Netflix Clone

    React.js, CSS3, TMDb API, Redux, Firebase authentication, Stripe Payment Processing

    Beautiful UI / UX just like Netflix, with all information fetched from TMDb API. Log in / Log out using Google Authentication. Stripe payment processor implemented for 3 subscription tiers. Using Cloud Firestore database and Stripe payment webhooks, this application is able to keep track of user subscriptions and their records in the database.

  • Twitter Clone

    React.js, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Redux, Firebase authentication, storage, & database

    Using Next.js, Firebase, and Redux, I embarked upon my most ambitious project yet. A twitter clone! My goal with this project was to utilize everything I learned so far with the React library. This front-end project uses server-side rendering for optimal SEO performance. Tailwind CSS was used for styling efficiency.

  • OMDb Movie Project

    HTML, CSS, Javascript, OMDb API

    Movie website was developed utilizing HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The implementation involved fetching data from the OMDb API and incorporating an input field through which users can search for complete movie titles or relevant keywords to obtain comprehensive movie metadata.

  • Library E-Commerce Project

    React.js, HTML, CSS

    Beautiful React.js-powered webpage with dynamic API fetching, components, and webhooks. Updating cart with book prices included.

  • Treact Project

    HTML, CSS, Javascript

    My first official** UI/UX project. This project was developed using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The goal was to create a simple, yet elegant, user interface that would be easy to navigate and visually appealing. The visual elements are harmonized to create a fun vibe, yet pays strict attention to the user's OCD by maintaining a consistent padding and margin format all-throughout.

  • Basic E-Portfolio Template

    HTML & CSS

    Easy but effective portfolio template that utilizes HTML5 + CSS3.